Struggles of a writer

I like to say about myself that I’m a writer. A writer by night, because the only time that I have time to write is at night, when the sun didn’t shine yet or it has long gone on the other side of the earth.

Having such little time to write, just a few hours a day, it’s essential to write just the good stuff, right? That would be the logical thing to do. But, what if the good stuff isn’t there? What if the words don’t come out as you imagined them in your mind? And everything you put on paper don’t look right anymore.

I have this type of feeling sometimes. I open a blank document and I look at it while the words don’t come out at all. I know what I want to write, but everything that I leave there don’t fit together as they should be.

I don’t know why this is happening.

But, even with this block, I continued and I will continue to write. Maybe I’m just tired.

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