Why do we put in the work?

Why do we wake up in the morning and go to work? Why are we even going to work? What’s the point of all of this? And I keep saying we like it will be a big and smart article, but it will be mostly about me, so excuse me for being an obnoxious narcissist. I’m a millennial so that’s ok. Supposedly we are more narcissistic than the other generations (gasp!)

Since I brought the millennial generation, that we so kindly were named, let’s talk a little bit about this. About my generation. I won’t dare to say that these things are generally specific to everybody, but there are things that I hear and see almost every day in my life. Either at work, either on the street, bus, social media etc. (more…)

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What is love?

…. baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more. 

I don’t think I believe in love anymore. It’s a word used so much these days that it’s become a cliche. What is love? How do we, can we say that we love something when we use it like breathing over every little thing.

I can’t say don’t believe in love, rather I could say I don’t believe in the way love is presented and perceive today. (more…)

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Window shoppers

Man you’s a window shopper
In the jewelry store lookin’ at shit you can’t buy
Man you’s a window shopper
In the dealership tryna get a test drive

Do you know 50 Cent’s Window shopper? The song about the people that look from the window and dream about the things they can’t buy, they get mad at the people that can buy them?

This weekend my mom visited me. And because we couldn’t stay in the house all day, we went out. Specifically, we went to the mall, the preferred week-end location off everybody from Iasi. (more…)

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Quo Vadis?

Have you ever felt that you are constantly finding yourself at a crossroad? And every time you are asking yourself where you should go. To left or to right? And how you can be sure of the right choice.

Let me start by telling you a little story about Hercules. I’ve read this story when I was little and I’m still remembering about it even today.

When Hercules left his home and started his journey, he found himself at a crossroad. There were two old women, one for each road. The first one to talk promised him a life of riches, the daughter of a king and the kingdom itself. All he had to do was to walk down that road. The second woman told him (more…)

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Am I a perfectionist?

A while back I was reading an article about perfectionism and how it affects our daily life.

The article referred to how searching for the perfect environment, the perfect project, the perfect life, in the end, it drives you crazy. Because in your mind you will search for that perfect feeling every time you want to do something, and you won’t find it because, let’s be honest, nothing is perfect. (more…)

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